Canny Compare: Booking Hotels, Guest Houses, B&B, Vacation Accommodation, Restaurants, Businesses & Services

You can search for places such as hotels, guest houses, bed and breakfasts (B&B) on Canny Compare by selecting searching for places.

Hotels, restaurants, properties and places which have recently been added to Canny Compare can be seen below.

Add your place, hotel booking, guest house, accommodation, restaurant, shop or service for free. Create a free account by registering now.

booking Hotel Mallyan Spout Hotel

Mallyan Spout Hotel


Overnight Accommodation

booking Hotel Devonshire Arms Hotel

Devonshire Arms Hotel


Overnight Accommodation

Bolton BridgeEngland
booking Cars Sandal BMW Huddersfield

Sandal BMW Huddersfield


Product Based Business

booking Castle Skipton Castle

Skipton Castle


Place to Visit

booking Hotel Draycott Hotel

Draycott Hotel


Overnight Accommodation

booking Hotel Gloucester Hotel

Gloucester Hotel


Overnight Accommodation

booking Guest House Queen Anne's Guest House

Queen Anne's Guest House

Guest House

Overnight Accommodation


Add Booking Details For Your Place: Hotels, Guest Houses, Bed and Breakfast, BnB, B&B, Restaurants, Rental Accommodation, Property, Businesses & Services

Canny Compare can be used find booking details hotels, guest houses, bed and breakfast, BnB, rental properties, restaurants, businesses and services.

hotel bed bedroom booking breakfast reservations bnb

You can add your place to CannyCompare for free.

Let's consider some examples of places you may want to add to CannyCompare: You own a hotel and you want to advertise your booking details. You run a Bed & Breakfast and you would like more guests. You have a room in your house that that you want to rent out, possibly to students. Alternatively, you may have a whole house to let or a long term letting of commercial property such as a shop. Maybe you have been thinking of doing a house exchange, possibly with someone from abroad. All of these can be added to Canny Compare for free.

What's really nice is that you get your own web page of details and booking information, which is all created from the details you supply. This web page can be found by other people using search engines such as Google and also by those performing a search here on Canny Compare.

Almost any type of place can be added. It's not limited to hotels and property, although accommodation and property is are popular categories. You can add your business or service for free. add service business reserve Let's say you have a landscape gardening business for example. You can add that together with some photos of gardens you have worked on, a description of the services you offer, your contact details and your location on a Google map.

CannyCompare is a quality website offering a useful service. For this reason we will not allow any places which appear to be spam or illegal. Apart from that it's hard to imagine a place which can't be added to CannyCompare.

Let's consider some more examples of places you could add. Say you run a pharmacy and you want your customers to be able to find you easily.

service pharmacy canny compare contact

Or let's say you are trying to sell your home. You can put that on CannyCompare too. There are many other examples, such as home exchange, offering a rental house or apartment.

The places can be holiday properties (vacation if you are American) or they can be for long term rental. You could be offering just a room in a larger place. It could be for student accommodation or flat sharing. house for sale find advertise property

In fact if you want to add a place to CannyCompare and it doesn't fit into any of the categories let us know and we will consider adding that type of place. You can contact CannyCompare via the Contact form. We welcome all serious enquiries, requests and suggestions.

If you would like to add your place, just select register. Adding your place is free. After registration you can log-in to Canny Compare.

canny compare add property booking place

As soon as you are logged in you will see a new menu entry called Account: followed by your first name. Select this and then the entry Add or edit my place and then you are off. For example you can add booking details for your hotel or rental accommodation.

Places related to hotels, property or restaurants require a bit of time to enter the information, but it's mainly just a matter of ticking checkboxes and entering some text, so it's not difficult at all. The sort of information required is shown here on the right. The place will be displayed to the user on a Google map with street view.

Places not related to hotels, accommodation or restaurants are even easier to add. They involve just one page on which you have to select some details about your place.

Why don't you get started right now?

Select searching for places or register to add your own place.